Elected SEIU Representative Election Protocol April 26 - May 14 2021

Formation of Election Committee

ESRs are to appoint an election committee consisting of no less than two (2) support staff. Candidates for the position are not eligible to serve on the committee. The election committee is responsible for informing support staff about the election and setting up election logistics. The committee is encouraged to have an online informational meeting using Zoom, concerning the ESR position.

Election Scheduling

ESR elections are held every year at every school. Elections for 2021 are to be held between April 26 and May 14, 2021, at a date and time agreeable to the election committee and the administration. The election date, time and other logistics (including nominations) are to be announced to all bargaining unit support staff via e-mail. The ESR job description and role documents should also be distributed at the same time, in the same manner.


Only permanent support staff that work 4 hours per day or more (20 hours per week or more) are eligible to vote for ESR. The same standard applies to candidates who wish to run for ESR. Ask your administrator to provide a list of eligible voters.

All bargaining unit support staff in the building must receive election announcements and have an opportunity to vote, including food services, building services, secretaries, paraeducators, lunch/recess aides, media assistants, security, and other support staff. This includes all shifts, including night crew building services and ICB weekend workers.

The ESR election process is an internal support staff process. Administrators and teachers may not participate in any part of the election process. This includes (but is not limited to) the nominating process, the handling of ballots, electioneering, disseminating election information, and the vote count. Administrators and teachers will refer support staff with ESR election questions to the ESR election committee, or the current ESR. Union staff may advise and educate election committees and support staff about elections.


Nominations will be open for one week, counting backwards from the close of school the day before the election. Nominations will be accepted in a process to be determined by the election committee.


If there are two or more nominees, an election must be held. If there is only one candidate, that person is elected by affirmation, and automatically becomes the ESR. The voting process ends at this point, and the election committee may report the results.

There will not be paper ballots this year, due to the pandemic. The election committee has the latitude to use Survey Monkey, Google or other electronic means for the submission and tabulation of ballots. Otherwise, the committee should have each voter send an email to both election committee members, with a vote for the candidate of their choice. 

The election committee has the authority to set up an early voting option for support staff who are unable to vote due to being on leave. A run-off election, consisting of only the top two candidates with the highest vote totals, will be conducted in the event of a tie.

Reporting Election Results

Election results are to be reported by the election committee click here for the form. Please be sure to fill out the entire form. The committee must also notify by email the following parties: Ed Fortney, Member Strength Field Coordinator at SEIU Local 500, as well as the principal, Elected Faculty Representative(s) and all support staff in your school, within 24 hours after the votes are tabulated. The email address for Mr. Fortney is fortneye@seiu500.org. This is the only address by which he can be reached.

A Few More Tips

  • All decisions made by the election committee regarding the vote count are final, and are not subject to review by administrators, teachers or union staff.

  • If a duly elected ESR resigns during their term, they are responsible for implementing this protocol to elect their replacement.

  • The $1500 stipend for the position will only be given to those who have followed this protocol, including the election process and notifying SEIU Local 500.

  • If the election committee needs support or has questions about the election protocol, contact Ed Fortney by email at fortneye@seiu500.org or by phone at 301-385-1919.